American Express and Discover. Download now to activate your merchant account and start receiving credit card processing services today! HOW IT WORKS 1. Download the app. 2. Sign up and receive your free card swiper. 3. Plug in your card Reader and start accepting credit cards fast. NEXT DAY DEPOSITS Get your money the next business day. FREE CARD READER Request your free Credit Card Reader when you activate your account. Your terminal will come in the mail immediately. FEATURES - Swipe or key in all major credit cards - Track Credit, Cash and check payments - Add products with photos, names, and prices - Customers sign and tip right on your device - Send text and email receipts - Include discounts, create order modifiers, issue refundsAccept credit card payments anywhere, anytime. App includes a free credit card machine or credit card reader to be used as a cash register for your Android device. Accept all the major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Download now to activate your merchant account and start receiving credit card processing services today! HOW IT WORKS 1. Download the app. 2. Sign up and receive your free card swiper. 3. Plug in your card Reader and start accepting credit cards fast. NEXT DAY DEPOSITSGet your money the next business day. FREE CARD READER Request your free Credit Card Reader when you activate your account. Your terminal will come in the mail immediately. FEATURES - Swipe or key in all major credit cards - Track Credit, Cash and check payments - Add products with photos, names, and prices - Customers sign and tip right on your device - Send text and email receipts - Include discounts, create order m
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